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Dallas - Fort Worth

See how much money you can save each month.

Our process, Our people, Our business model

Our Approach

Each of our Energy Advisors prioritize educating homeowners on the environmental and financial benefit of solar above all else. Our team understands that not every home is suitable for solar so we approach each family in a consultative manner so each family can make the educated decision on their own terms. We understand that solar is not a one size fits all industry so our team intends to listen to each families individual needs to recommend the most effective program.

Our Business Model

Our business model is unorthodox to most people but it resembles a similar industry we are all too familiar with, Real Estate. While in the home buying process you often have 3 separate entities navigating you through the process (Real Estate Agent, Mortgage Company, and Builder), each specializing in its own realm to maximize efficiency and quality, RGV Solar Systems intends to navigate each family through the solar process by matching you with the right financing program and installer that fits your needs and expectations. We specifically partner with financing companies and installers at the top of the industry to offer the best value to each family.

Our People

Our team is comprised of highly trained Solar Educators as opposed to salesmen. We believe that solar is a no brainer for most people but we also understand that solar is not right for every family. With our Leadership team being in the industry as long as most companies have been in business, we understand the value of having a highly knowledgeable Energy Advisor to navigate you through the complex solar process. 

About Us


Solar is more affordable than ever,

Go Solar for as little as $0 Down

With state and federal incentives, solar energy is more affordable that traditional power and with different programs available switching to solar is easier than ever. RGV Solar will help you choose the right solar program to fit your families needs both short term and long term.

Does Your Home Qualify for Zero Down?



Residential and Commercial


Whether you’re just curious about how solar works, or you’ve been wanting solar panels on your roof for years, every consultation is a chance for us to help families save money and make a step towards a greener environment.


Our team carefully designs a custom solar system to match your families needs that abide by all local, state, and national building codes to ensure compliance and safety. 


RGV Solar works on behalf of you to navigate through the proper permitting channels to get your custom solar system installed as quickly and efficiently as possible while maintaining constant communication with you along the way.


Once we identify that we have obtained the proper permits for your customer solar system we will schedule a time that works best for you to begin the installation.


Once we receive Permission to Operate from your utility provider we will coordinate the activation of your solar system to start saving money on your utility bill!



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